Books, Book Review Sarah Tulloch Books, Book Review Sarah Tulloch

The Secret Histories of Avatars Past

By the end of these novels we not only know more about the beloved Avatar Kyoshi, but also Avatar Yangchen and Avatar Kuruk. We know next to nothing about these two Avatars before the Kyoshi novels, and it turns out it was intentional. These novels reveal the secret history these Avatars have been trying to conceal. Their actions will affect five Avatar reincarnations and will create one question that shapes their lives as the Avatar—how do you stop someone who has enacted irredeemable violence without resorting to murder?

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Books Sarah Tulloch Books Sarah Tulloch

An Interactive List of Black-Owned Bookstores

Below is a list of Black Owned Bookstores from all over the United States. Many of them are mailing books to their customers because of COVID restrictions and many of them also have book clubs for you to join and build community. Because of the recent resurgence in revolution, many of the bookstores below have anti-racist reading lists for those who’d like to stay educated and fight for the liberation of Black people everywhere— #BlackLivesMatter.

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Books Sarah Tulloch Books Sarah Tulloch

Modern Myth Making w/ The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home

The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home is the most thrilling novel I’ve read this year. his novel travels through the centuries through the eyes of The Faceless Old Woman from the Mediterranean to the United States to the ridiculously weird world of Nightvale. She shares the story of her past with her readers, and Craig— the man she’s currently stalking—to explain her present and reveal her future.

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