An Interview with Reuben Reuel And His New EP INERTIA


Planning an EP can be a nightmare in itself, but writing, creating, and planning in the middle of a pandemic is excruciating! Somehow Reuben Reuel, actor and singer based in NYC, pulled it all together and released is latest project INERTIA.

I sat down with Reuben to get all the intimate details about his process, his inspiration, and what he has planned for his fans. Stream INERTIA and keep reading for some seriously creative inspiration.

What inspired you to create this EP?

“Making this EP was imperative for me. This has been something I had been wanting to do since I was a teenager. It took me until 2017 to really make a decision to do it. It took me until 2020 to finally have the guts to put my all into it. I just now learned what I feel my purpose is, and this EP is quite literally, just the beginning. I have always had an immense, deep love for music, I just wish I jumped into it sooner. Sometimes I wish I knew what I know now and was able to listen to that voice when I was younger. This EP makes up for lost time. I wish I had more songs on it, but I think as an introduction, it introduces itself well.”

You’re based in NYC, which was hit the hardest by COVID-19 when it first reached the US. What was it like working on this EP while having to quarantine with the rest of the city?

“Honestly, it changed everything I had planned for it. It was such a sad, depressing, emotional time. I did not have much motivation to create. I was way too focused on what was happening and trying to adjust to what would be our new normal. I felt at a complete stand still, but then again I think the whole world felt that way at one point. I would write some lyrics for songs here and there, but it wasn’t until June that I really got the creative juices flowing again.

“I was very happy Slow was finished and I was able to release it, but I felt horrible because I had nothing else finished to release. Who drops a single and not have anything else to show for it, especially with their first project??? I have this “roadmap to release” outline and the release date for this project was originally set for June, at the latest July. Updating that outline was NOT fun. It was definitely an adjustment, luckily I was able to make little computer demos at home but I wasn’t able to go to the studio at all until July, so it was completely put on hold. However, the vision for ‘Inertia’ somewhat evolved during quarantine. I guess with all the time on my hands I was able to get more of a feel for how I wanted the project to sound. I was able to really visualize and materialize what I wanted ‘Inertia’ to be. I wrote both Talking My Shit and The City during quarantine, I had a different track listing planned out. Everything happens for a reason, right?”


What do you want people to feel when they listen to this EP? What’s the vibe?

“My whole goal was for there to at least be one song that someone can rock with. Inertia has a mix of different genres and sounds all jam packed together, so I wouldn’t be surprised if certain people liked a specific song off the EP rather than the other. I also wanted the songs to have personality, so that they can resonate with the listeners whether it be through the lyrics, the beat, the melody, or the message the song is intended to tell. I was thinking of renaming it to “Psychedelic” for a minute… only because I want the music to be able to put you in a trance, or feel like you’ve escaped reality for a little bit.”

If this EP could be a soundtrack for a movie, which movie would it be?

“I don’t have a specific movie in mind, but I feel like it could absolutely be a soundtrack for a summer teen movie, or a movie that’s about going on vacation... anything related to an escape into a fantasy world.”

This EP sounds very personal like it tells your story. Can you explain the story to your fans?

“You know, when I write songs or when the lyrics pop into my head, and when the melodies come together, there’s always some sort of story that forms. ‘Inertia’ is not technically my story, but each song does have a specific meaning. I gave it that title because I noticed a lot of the songs, at its original conception, were all movement based.

“Inertia quite literally means resistance to change in velocity, unless an external force moves it. I feel that is a theme in my life, that I am always moving at a specific pace until something throws me off track, but I get right back and keep moving.‘The City’ is an ode to New York, hanging out and growing up with my friends here is an experience like no other. There’s so much to do, so much to see. It was inspired by the feeling I felt when I came back to New York from LA, walking around SoHo, dressed up, and going out. ‘Slow’ is about feeling like you’re not doing enough but doing too much at the same time, it’s the definitive “keep up with it” song. Sometimes I feel like I’m not moving fast enough and that everything I want is too far away. It also feels like what I want is RIGHT there, I’m so close yet so far but I can’t get it because of other obstacles in my way. ‘Go To Work’ is poking fun at many things, but also a commentary about the inertia of work. It is mundane and your commute is the same. You only go because you have to. At some point you’re going to break, or at least you need a break, especially if it’s a job you hate. Yet, you get so used to the grind you just keep working. I think it’s a song that we ALL can relate to. It pokes a lot of fun at capitalism, AND you can twerk to it.‘Let’s Play’ is indeed about playing around, however you interpret that to be. It’s more so about that feeling you get when you do meet someone and they’re the person of your dreams. You just want to spend all your time with them, whether it’s playing video games or playing in the bed. Up to you.‘Talking My Shit’ is literally my favorite song. It’s such a “me” song. All my friends would agree. If you know, you know. I heard the beat, it’s by this producer in Liverpool named Jack Marlow, he’s 18 I believe, and I immediately was like “... this is fire.” It took me forever to come up with lyrics but when it came, it flowed. It’s basically me saying “I’m the shit, even when you tell me otherwise.” It’s definitely about knowing yourself and knowing that regardless of what is thrown at you, I’m still gonna be me, and I’m still gonna be talking my shit, and living my life. That, my friends, is how life should be lived. Stop giving a fuck about what others think, be your true authentic self.

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If you could tell your fans anything what would you say to them?If there is anything you want to do, you absolutely can do it.

“It may seem hard, it may seem unachievable, but as long as you continue to have faith, whether it be in a higher power, the universe, a religious deity, or just yourself, then it can happen. Don’t think too much about when, or how, or what, just focus on your goal.”

What’s next for you? Any projects or performances coming up?

“Long story short, yes, I definitely have a few tricks up my sleeve. I don’t want to give too much away, but there are definitely some projects I am working on. Nothing like an EP just yet, I would rather have more content to put out first. Performance related, I did a small thing with the Black Artists Burrough recently, and just did a quick online Song of the Summer competition with Artist Republik. With quarantine and the pandemic going on, I don’t see any performances in the near future, but I definitely will be doing them when life starts to pick back up.”


Inertia is now available on most streaming platforms! Click here to stream Reuben Reuel’s new EP INERTIA

Keep up with Reuben on Instagram here for all the latest updates, drops, and performances.

To to read my first interview with Reuben earlier this year, click here.


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